martedì 23 novembre 2010

Gentle Hands asta di beneficenza

La nostra cara amica e "sorella" Tracey Heppner e' una delle sostenitrici e "fundraiser"della associazione benefica Gentle Hands che ha sede a Manila nelle Filippine.
Tracey attualmente vive in Canada a Vancouver insieme a suo marito e ai suoi due figli ma tra breve - meno di cinque settimane - si trasferiranno tutti proprio nelle filippine per poter seguire piu' da vicino lo sviluppo della associazione e i suoi progetti di supporto all'infanzia.

Per esperienza personale conosco molto bene la sensazione di "stretta al cuore" che si prova entrando un orfanotrofio e conosco altrettanto bene i grandi sacrifici  che ogni giorno affrontano gli operatori, i responsabili e gli addetti che lavorano e vivono all'interno di queste strutture.
Aiutiamo queste splendide persone che dedicano la loro vita al bene di bambini abbandonati a cui forniscono un tetto, una istruzione, pasti e il calore di una famiglia.

Per noi e' un piccolo sacrificio per loro significa "vita"



sabato 20 novembre 2010

Yesterday in Assisi...

...we went to a tradeshow - - 
 a wonderful occasion to discover all the breath-taking location around Italy that are "protected" by the UNESCO.

Sometimes, honestly, I'm feeling blessed to be italian and to live in Italy, we are surrounded by beauty and art, history and culture and we are so happy to have the opportunity to share with you friends from all over the world this the treasures we have inherited.


martedì 16 novembre 2010

New season is coming!

Ciao friends,
we're very excited about the new season plans.
2011 will be a great year of workshops  and new locations.
In these days we are working to preapare our pre-tour in  one of the next new destination.
we will go to Emilia-Romagna

Emilia Romagna is probably one of the most important italian region for food:
- Parma Ham
- Parmigiano Reggiano cheese
- Bologna Mortadella
- Modena Balsamico

are only few examples of what you can find in Emilia-Romagna, but for sure, the most famous "product" of this region is an real "masterpiece", a jewel, a car that do not needs any presentation, only a name ready guys, because during one of the newxt workshop we will visit the Ferrari Museum and maybe we can organize a "test drive"  for the bravest!!!!


lunedì 15 novembre 2010

Stavolta ci siamo!! Finalmente il blog e' online

Ciao a tutti,
I'm very glad to announce that finally our new blog is online.

More than words I will post pictures and comments from our friends from all over the world, friends that decided to spend few days in Italy, with us, travelling around our regions and taking pictures, but also absorbing as much as possible the italian culture and life style.

As most of you know we organize workshops and photoevents for photographers - pro and amateurs because I think that there are no limit or "borders", photography is art and art is for artists...who cares about tags or labels!? -

In these days we are working to refine the next two seasons,  2011 and 2012, lots of nice appointments are on our schedule  and we are quite ready to publish the calendars.

So, for now, thank you guys and see you soon!

Max & Cristiana